Explore the enchanting world of our Panda Cory, scientifically known as Corydoras panda, a social and lively fish that thrives on interaction and the quest for hidden treasures in the substrate.
Resembling China's iconic bear, the Panda Cory adds an extra layer of fascination to your aquarium. However, their susceptibility to diseases necessitates a deeper understanding of their care requirements before bringing one home.
Origin and Habitat: The Panda Cory, or Panda Catfish, hails from the Andes-influenced waters of Peru and Ecuador, residing in pristine streams and blackwater rivers with soft sand and fine gravel. These habitats boast abundant oxygen and a variety of aquatic plants, providing both sustenance and shelter for diverse aquatic life.
Physical Features:
Size: Typically reaching around two inches, with females being larger than males.
Armor: Covered in overlapping bony plates known as scutes, resembling an armadillo or scorpion carapace.
Colors and Markings: Sporting pearly white and pale pink hues, with distinct black markings reminiscent of a giant panda's face.
Behavior and Temperament: The Panda Cory is an energetic and social fish, actively exploring the aquarium in groups. Their benthic scavenging nature makes them avid foragers, though not particularly efficient substrate cleaners.
Breeding: Breeding Panda Catfish involves setting up an 18x12x12-inch breeding tank with fine-leaved plants. A male-to-female ratio of 2:1 is recommended, along with conditioning the group with live or frozen foods. Successful spawning mimics wet season conditions, with the eggs hatching in about four days.
Tank Mates: Panda Corys thrive in social settings, requiring a minimum of eight companions. They peacefully coexist with various bottom-dwelling species, making them ideal tankmates for community aquariums.
Care and Diet:
Diet: Omnivores by nature, Panda Corys enjoy a mix of plant and vegetable matter along with meaty foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.
Water Parameters: Prefer temperatures between 68 to 77°F, replicating their native blackwater conditions. Water hardness should range from 2 to 12 dGH, with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.0.
Maintenance: Regular partial water changes (25-30% weekly) and a suitable filtration system are crucial. Avoid rough substrates to protect their sensitive barbels.
Tank Setup:
Size: A 20 to 30-gallon tank with sand substrate (2-3 inches) suits their needs.
Decor: Opt for driftwood, rocks, and caves to replicate their natural habitat. Panda Corys prefer subdued lighting, and floating plants provide essential shade.
Health Risks and Diseases: Cory Catfish are sensitive to deteriorating water conditions and may suffer from diseases like Ich and Gill Flukes. Proper water parameters and hygiene help prevent such issues.
Panda Corys, with their endearing appearance and lively demeanor, add vibrancy to any aquarium. Ensure a suitable environment mirroring their natural habitat, and these delightful fish will thrive as charming members of your aquatic community.